Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Music as a lifestyle

I've said before, I'm a weird duck. I'm sitting in the outhouse at 1 am on my birthday, having just finished up some changes on a website and posting them. I should be in bed - but my wife is out of the state, so somehow there isn't that compulsion to head to bed at a decent hour that I normally have. So what does this have to do with being a musician? It started me thinking about schedules. I do my best work after midnight sometimes - but then I have to pay dearly for it the next day or 2 (I am "of that age"). I've often wondered why. I think it's a distraction issue - furing the day I'm very distracted about sounds or to-do lists or appointments (or even classes to teach!). This time of night - there's nothing going on. ....and that allows me to focus. I can also turn the AC off so it gets real quiet in here - and I can go to town, focusing in on what I'm working on. Two trips around the bend and it's been three hours - but it feels like 3 minutes. Am I crazy? Of course - I have children, but that's a subject for another post. Sometimes I wonder why I am a musician. It's obvious at this point in time that, although I have some talent, I will never make tons of money from it. I do have fun - which is something. I certainly won't be bored - terrified, ecstatic, depressed - but never bored. To whom much is given, much will be required. I feel I have been given much, which is why i work so hard. It isn't boring, that's for dang sure.